紙 , 珍 藏 生 命 的 愛 ── 保 存 , 開 啟 記 憶 流 轉 特 展

2 0 2 0 .11. 16 (Mon) ~ 2 0 2 1 . 03  . 20 (Sat) 









Paper Preserves the Precious Love of Your Life – Preservation Enables the Passage of Your Memories

2 0 2 0 .11. 16 (Mon) ~ 2 0 2 1 . 03  . 20 (Sat) 


Your cabinet always saves a spot to accommodate your beloved item.


This item embodies your youth and thinking, including family bonds, romantic relationships, friendship, time, and the era. It sparkles like a gem even though it has been tested by time in the stream of forgetting.


This exhibition is curated by Suho Paper Memorial Museum and Fenko Catalysis Chamber. By proposing application plans to utilise papers in our lives to preserve precious items, the exhibition prompts you to think about preservation, collection, abandoning, as well as the flow of emotions, memories, and civilisation.


We sincerely invite you to walk into the stream of memory of yours and others. Pick up your gem and enable the passage of memory. At the same time, you will realise how a piece of good paper can keep the warmth of your affection and preserve your precious love.



主辦單位 │ 樹火紀念紙文化基金會

協辦單位 │ 鳳嬌催化室

展覽地點 │樹火紀念紙博物館 - 台北市中山區長安東路二段68號