深 在 此 山 中,半 百 觀 自 在 ── 50+ 女 性 連 展
Deep into the Mountains ── A Journey of Women Artists
2 0 1 9 . 1 1 . 15 (Fri) ~ 2 0 2 0 . 05 . 02 (Sat) *因受疫情影響,展覽順延至2 0 2 0 . 06 . 27 (Sat)
樹火紀念紙博物館執行長——陳瑞惠,為完成父親的心願,一腳踏上了博物館這條山路,入山後才發現眼前一片荒煙漫草,遍地不著前人腳步,只有自己腳下的這條路,踏實地一步一步走出來。步伐間的重複光景、眼前的陰鬱險峻,偶爾振奮偶爾氣餒,最終回溯內心本源,找回與自然純粹的連結,回首走過的每一步皆是紮實的積累,走過的每個角落皆能瞥見人生最獨到的面貌。紙材的變化多端延展為沿途美景,一會兒如雲霧般散去後,勢必回到人事物的本質,孤獨前行。於是早在30年前,執行長帶領樹火團隊投入藝文教育向下紮根,持續經營累積至今日。2019年末,11 月起,邀請三位同樣在藝文領域耕耘近30年的女性藝術創作者們,半百歲月只為攀生命這座山,回首來時,箇中滋味在心中逐漸發酵,在「深在此山中,半百觀自在──50+女性連展」中,以各自的藝術語彙舒展生命裡霧中有悟的山中即景,分享曾經走踏過、感動過,又或是正在經驗著的山行者的日常。
紙裝置|行山The Mountain Follows|陳瑞惠暨樹火團隊Rita Lichen & SUHO Team|
2019 .11.15 (Fri) ~2020.05.02(Sat) 創造一純淨不需過多語彙的裝置展,串起三位各自獨立的藝術家。 從樹火玩紙的特色出發,選擇萬條薄而純淨的紙條由上穿引而下,邀請觀眾走入白色帷幕,感受純淨溫潤,專注觀察山徑中的光影變化。時間即使短暫,自在的心內對流,洗濯出平靜的富足與喜悅。獨而不孤的人生旅程,繼續前行。
展之一|沉思的風景Meditating Landscape|洪米貞HONG Mi-jen|
2019.11.15 (Fri) ~ 12.21 (Sat)
曾經生活是在一個又一個異地流轉,起錨,遠航,濃濃的鄉愁。及至返鄉後,山林行走帶來寧靜深沈的美好,真切感受到腳踏在泥土,感受到土地的召喚與撫慰,也因天地之大美所深深觸動,順隨先前策展、藝術寫作的脈絡,很自然地拿起了屬於自己的畫筆,並透過繪畫,領略到與創作的美好關係。現在,她實現了與土地之約,山野中的一間小屋,樸實、寂靜,有山巒、星月、自然生命的簇擁陪伴,溯向心靈的更深處,回歸生活,踏實地從身體的勞動觸碰土地的呼吸,每天都有不同的體驗,棲息在大自然間,領受一切天地所贈予,學習緩慢、等待、臣服,創作也就如實映照對自然、對生命的無所為而為,一切正好,塵埃落定,廣袤的天地就是她的家。 【個展暨50+女性連展 聯合開幕記者茶會】11/15 (五) 14:00
展之二|光華朗照 In Blossom|張金蓮CHANG Jin|
2019.12.27 (Fri) ~ 2020 .02.15 (Sat)
別名「子子⦁千金」的她,自喻種子與赤子,人要像種子、赤子,可以新奇探索、創造花園,帶著想像、熱情和純粹 ;「千金」則是大自然的兒女,有上天疼愛著。居住於山海花草之間,在雕塑、書法、水墨、舞蹈、攝影間悠遊,她形容她的生命是「無中生有地創造」,承受生命徹底的破壞,才有重生的花朵綻放,誠實坦然地面對每個當下的自己,將純粹提煉注入藝術創作,專注在每個當下,就不會錯過,她說:「人間若是一座花園,藝術家只是夢的散播者,他們為這個世界帶來非凡的夢想,長出朵朵奇異之花」,她喜歡在創作中藉由人體窺探自然的程式,山水花朵就從身體裡長了出來,自然而然。
【藝術家創作分享會Artist Talk】2020.01.10(Fri) 19:00 ~ 20:30
展之三|行遊山海Passing through the Seas and the Mountains|張詠捷CHANG Yung-chieh
2020.02.21 (五) ~ 05.02 (六) *因受疫情影響,展覽順延至06.27 (六)
Deep into the Mountains ── A Journey of Women Artists
2 0 1 9 . 1 1 . 15 (Fri) ~ 2 0 2 0 . 06 . 27 (Sat)
A journey of understanding oneself and the power of letting go... Suho Memorial Paper Museum’s CEO, Rita Lichen, has set foot on the road to managing a privately owned Museum in order to fulfill her father’s dream 30 years ago. After she got into the world of museum management, she realized there was nothing but emptiness in front of her. She could only walk on the path on her own. The repeated scenes on her path and the gloomy, risky, and difficult tasks ahead of her excited and upset her in turns. Finally, she remembered her calling and reconnected with nature. When she looked back, every step she took was steady and firm, and every corner on the road showed her special aspects of life.
The diverse possibilities of paper have extended beautifully for quite some distance along her path, but they ended up disappearing like mists as the execution and management are the true keys to success. Again, she has to walk on the path on her own. Therefore, Chen made an early decision 30 years ago and has led the Suho team to work on arts education since then.
In November 2019, she invited three female artists who have worked on arts for nearly 30 years to review and share their experiences and feelings as they spent half of their life climbing on the mountain of life. In Deep into the Mountains ── A Journey of Women Artists, each artist uses her unique artistic language to illustrate the scenes and wisdom they found in the mountains. They share where they had set foot on, what made them sentimental, or what they are experiencing in their daily life as the art practitioners in the mountains.
主辦單位 │ 樹火紀念紙文化基金會
展覽時間 │ 2019 .11.15 (Fri) ~2020.06.27(Sat)
50+女性連展聯合開幕記者茶會 │ 11.15 (Fri) 14:00
藝術家分享 │ 張金蓮分享2020.01.10(Fri) 19:00 ~ 20:30、張詠捷分享2020.02.21(Fri) 19:00 ~ 20:30
展覽地點 │樹火紀念紙博物館 - 台北市中山區長安東路二段68號
( 週一至週六 09:30~16:30 / 週日休館)
展覽票價 │ $100
沉思的風景Meditating Landscape|洪米貞HONG Mi-jen|2019.11.15 (Fri) ~ 12.21 (Sat)
紙裝置|行山The Mountain Follows|陳瑞惠暨樹火團隊Rita Lichen & SUHO Team|2019 .11.15 (Fri) ~2020.05.02(Sat)
光華朗照 In Bloosom|張金蓮 CHANG jIn|2019.12.27 (Fri) ~ 2020. 02.15 (Sat)
行遊山海Passing through the Seas and the Mountains|張詠捷CHANG Yung-chieh|2020. 02. 21 (Fri) ~ 2020. 06.27 (Sat)