讓 在 地 的 紙 走 進 生 活
2016.11.18(Mon.) 〜 2017.02.11(Sat.)
2016年8月份,博客來與樹火紀念紙文化基金會共同開 啟了一趟【紙的旅程】,透過OKAPI閱讀生活誌的報導 ,讓更多人看到台灣在地手工紙被抄製、生產的過程;藉由 三位用紙人,了解紙張如何乘載書寫、傳達心意,讓紙作為 文字載體外,也成為書寫的主角。接著,我們希望透過四組 不同用紙面向的創作,一起思考紙張在現代生活中的各種可 能性。
以【讓在地的紙走進生活】為題,直物生活文具翻轉紙筆關 係、PEKOE食品雜貨舖以原料造紙為紙標、Retro 印刷JAM從紙材到印刷呈現獨一無二手感創作,再加上自 然洋行建築團隊化紙材為建材的實驗,4組截然不同面向的 創作者,將紙張在生活中的各種用途,以超乎想像的詮釋呈 現在這次展覽中。
當你翻閱、捲動、輕刮、撫摸由紙材出發,延伸而成不同樣 貌的紙品,你接觸到的是從素材開始無數技藝與創意精妙結 合的成果,透過這個展覽,我們希望搭起一座串起紙張的生 產者、創作者和您的橋梁,請您加入這趟旅程,一窺紙的多 種樣貌,譜寫出關於您和紙之間的另一段故事。
Putting Locally Made Papers Back into Life
2016.11.18(Mon.) 〜 2017.02.11(Sat.)
We document this journey in the name of paper, linking up every hand involved in the process, in hopes of continuing the story of this land into infinity...
With its limitless expanse of application possibilities, in what aspect in addition to writing will paper keep on moving forward?
Starting in August 2016, books.com, together with the Suho Memorial Paper Culture Foundation, launched the “A Papermaking Making” initiative, with the aim of making the production process of Taiwan’s handmade paper known to a wider audience through topical reports on Okapi. Through the voice of three paper users, we came to understand how paper sustains writing while conveying thoughts and feelings, highlighting the key role played by the medium for written words in the act of writing. The project is now continued with a compendium of four different paper-based creations, rethinking the diverse possibilities for paper in our modern lives.
Based on the theme “Putting Locally Made Papers Back into Life,” Plain Stationery & Homeware reimagines the paper-pen relationship, while PEKOE turns various ingredients into paper labels, Retro Insatsu JAM presents one-of-a-kind handmade creations, and Divooe Zein Architects experiments with paper as a building material. Four different creative groups reinvents the uses of paper beyond imagination in disparate aspects, gathered together in this present exhibition.
When you flip, roll, scratch, and feel various kinds of paper-based products, you are in touch with the exquisite results of combining raw materials, artful techniques, and innovative ideas. Via this exhibition, we expect to build a bridge connecting paper manufacturers, creative artists, and the viewers. You are welcome to join us on the journey across the diverse spectrum of paper, thereby writing your own story about it.